Saturday, September 10, 2011

Fringe season 3 on DVD

As you probably know already how much I love Fringe. Season 3 was awesome and I cant wait to get my hands on the new DVD. I must tell you one of the most frustrating and bittersweet love triangle moments in season 3. Throughout most of Season 3, Peter is in love with who he thinks is Olivia which I thought was about time since there was so much tension between them. I was very excited when they got together, but come to find out it’s actually Olivia from the alternate universe. When the original Olivia returns, Peter is emotionally distraught, because he realizes that he’d enjoyed spending time with the alternate Olivia. I felt so bad because it was hard for him and Olivia didn't make it easy for him. If I was Peter that would be hard because initially he fell in love with the original Olivia but he share some very personal and intimate times with the alternate Olivia. He had feelings for both in a way. But he also felt betrayed by the alternative Olivia for leading him to think she was the other Olivia. He really had to do some soul searching in that triangle. I think he made the right choice by staying with the original Olivia and not the alternate one. They made a really cute couple and I hope I get to see more of them in Season 4 together but I will have to wait to see on that one.

So if you love Fringe like I do or think you might like this type of science fiction type show you have to Order Fringe: The Complete Third Season on DVD here today: and get caught up on the show before season 4 starts on September 23.

I have been hired by Warner Bros. WBWord division to promote Fringe: The Complete Third Season on DVD/Blu-Ray.

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