Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Nutrisystem Nation- Week 5

So its that time again for my weekly post about my Nutrisystem weight loss journey. I am little over a month into the program on week 5. This week I really am proud of my self. I stuck to the diet with no cheating well other than one breadstick I stole from my kids lol but I work it off haha. This week I think after reading alot in my Nutrition homework book in college I am doing this semester I figured out my biggest problem was I wasn't eating enough calories for the extreme exercise I was doing so I put my body in starvation mode and that's why I felt tired, and hungry and wasn't losing anything. So to fix it this week and from now on I workout 30 minutes or so 3 times a week instead of daily since I am a active person as it is and burn alot of calories without exercising.

The food this week was alot easier. I got my new monthly shipment this week and I chose what I wanted in my order so I didn't have to worry about not liking something anymore. My typical Nutrisystem day of food consists of:
Breakfast: Nutrisystem scones or Oatmeal
               Fruit- usually grapefruit or banana or apple
              diary- usual;y low fat string cheese

Lunch:  Nutrisystem pizzas or ham and cheese  or etc.
          Veggie- mostly mixed greens or iceberg lettuce
          veggie- cherry tomatoes, or cucumbers or squash
          Diary-  low fat shredded cheese
          Low fat ranch dressing

Snack- Diary/protein- string cheese or low fat yogurt
            Fruit- apple or oranges

Dinner: Nutrisystem- Glazed chicken tenders or Pizza or turkey medallions
           veggie- broccoli or green beans or carrots
           2 more veggies- usually a salad with fat free dressing
           Fruit- mixed fruit or mandarin oranges, pears or etc.

Dessert- Nutrisystem fudge bar, fudge sundae or Almond coconut bar

As you see there is alot of food to eat through out the day so I stay pretty full. I do have a hard time without my Carbs. I miss white rice and breads from time to time but working through it to get my body healthy again. Its been a long 5 weeks but I think I am actually getting the hang of it and it should be alot smoother ride now.

Results so far
Starting 130lbs
week 1 128lbs loss of 2lbs
week 2 126lbs loss of 2lbs
week 3 127lbs gain of 1lb still down 3lbs overall
week 4 126lbs loss of 1lb down 4lbs since started
week 5 124lbs loss of 2lbs down 6lbs since started

Overall still lost 6 lbs overall in 5 weeks and I am starting to see and feel a difference in my stomach and thighs. My pants are fitting alot looser and my stomach doesn't looks as much like I am 6 months prego anymore haha. Now I am excited to lose more in my waist and thighs. Now if I could get rid of my double chin but that I think is more heredity haha.

Want to lose weight and get healthy on Nutrisystem? Join today by calling 1-888-853-4689 or by visiting http://www.nutrisystem.com/nsblog

DISCLOSURE: I receiving Nutrisystem products free of charge in exchange for my reviews and all opinions are my own.

1 comment:

  1. Great job! I must admit, I don't really eat dairy products as much as I should -.-. And that breadstick, LOL! :)
