Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Nutrisystem Nation- Week 7

So its that time again for my weekly post about my Nutrisystem weight loss journey.Another week down yay! I am at week 7 wow did that week fly by. I must say this was like a break week for me I really honestly didn't eat much Nutrisystem stuff this week. Not that I splurge and ate huge amounts of foods high in fats and sugars because I didn't. Being on Nutrisystem for 7 weeks I have learned even when I don't eat Nutrisystem foods I still pick pretty health foods and portions. This was a hard week for me Nutrisystem wise because of doctors appointments and my daughters 7th birthday and party and my husbands birthday and family night. Plus tomorrow marks the 7 year anniversary of my nephews death as well so its been a crazy and tough week for me. Honestly I noticed I used to drown this week out with tears of joy and sadness along with lots of sweet foods and depression. I noticed when I am stressed or sad I tend to snack more. Since Nutrisystem I have learned snacking is OK if your snacking on the right foods and right portion sizes. My favorite snack lately has been raw sugar snap peas . They give me the crunch factor that I love and they are so tasty. I am also in love with Dannon light and fit coconut yogurt especially with apple slices. This week with 2 parties I only had 2 cupcakes and when we had pizza I got a very small slice and piled on the salad so I would fill up with the healthy salad and eat a little of the pizza. When we ate out for family night I got baked chicken instead of the greasy fatty foods. I am proud I was still able to eat right this week even if I didn't eat the Nutrisystem foods!
Exercise was a notta this week I was way too busy to do any thing this week. But at least I wasn't sitting around. I did alot of walking and I was always on my feet. So really that's exercise but just not my routine lol. This week is gonna be better as for today I already did my cardio workout so on the right track!

Results so far
Starting 130lbs
week 1 128lbs loss of 2lbs
week 2 126lbs loss of 2lbs
week 3 127lbs gain of 1lb still down 3lbs overall
week 4 126lbs loss of 1lb down 4lbs since started
week 5 124lbs loss of 2lbs down 6lbs since started
week 6 123.5lbs loss of 1/2 lb down  6.5 lbs since started
week 7 123.lbs no loss or gain down 6.5 lbs since started

So I didn't gain or lose this week even though I though for sure I gained 2 lbs with not eating what I was supposed to and those cupcakes ha ha but I was surprised I didn't gain anything. I was sad I didn't lose either but next week should be a less crazy and less emotional week and I will be back on track with a mission so watch out  I am back. I think everyone has a off week and this was that week for me  and now I am ready to get back on track!
Want to lose weight and get healthy on Nutrisystem? Join today by calling 1-888-853-4689 or by visiting http://www.nutrisystem.com/nsblog

Nutrisystem products free of charge in exchange for my reviews and all opinions are my own.

1 comment:

  1. The food looks so good...
    Congrats on losing weight!
