Monday, September 19, 2011

Nutrisystem week 6

So its that time again for my weekly post about my Nutrisystem weight loss journey.Another week down yay! I am half way through my Nutrisystem journey. 6 weeks in and 6 more weeks to go. I did really well with my eating this week but could of done better with added the vegetables and fruits in. I get full on the Nutrisystem entrees and then you add the vegetables, dairy or protein and your fruits and stuff I get too full. I have always been a small eater when it comes to meals. I also learned this week I get too busy for a afternoon snack so I decided to move my afternoon snack to a morning snack this way I don't completely skip that meal too.

My dislikes this week hmm well only thing I disliked this week was the Buffalo chicken wrap. I like alot more spice to mine and this just didn't do it for me. I loved the Nacho crisps and the Soy BBQ chips. I still in love with the fudge sundae and flat bread pizzas.

Exercise this week sucked. I had so many appointments for my oldest daughter and then school and soccer and everything else I had very little time to exercise other than stretches from time to time. So my goal is to exercise more even if it is just 5 to 10 minutes a day its something!

Results so far
Starting 130lbs
week 1 128lbs loss of 2lbs
week 2 126lbs loss of 2lbs
week 3 127lbs gain of 1lb still down 3lbs overall
week 4 126lbs loss of 1lb down 4lbs since started
week 5 124lbs loss of 2lbs down 6lbs since started
week 6 123.5lbs loss of 1/2 lb down  6.5 lbs since started

Not a huge weight loss this week but still Ill take it because any weight loss is better than no weight loss or a weight gain right lol. Now on to next week. I cant wait to see how next week goes!

Want to lose weight and get healthy on Nutrisystem? Join today by calling 1-888-853-4689 or by visiting

Nutrisystem products free of charge in exchange for my reviews and all opinions are my own.

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