Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Nutrisystem Nation- Week 11

Yep I'm back with this weeks progress report of my Nutrisystem weight loss journey. It has now been 11 weeks. I did pretty awesome this I think. I exercised 3 times this week for 30 minutes. I ate right and no junk food other than a cupcake at my daughters birthday but I only had one and no ice cream. I felt better and felt confidence this week.
I ate my Nutrisystem stuff this week and nothing to complain about other than I wish there was more variety for lunch that I like. Everything tasted great and filled me up. I wasn't hungry most the time so that's good. I am really loving the scones and muffins for breakfast cause I am always running around in the morning so don't have time to cook anything and those are so yummy and perfect for the go with my coffee. I must say for my coffee I use fat free creamer and Agave for the sweetner not sugar so that's a plus. I really feel good this week about the whole dieting and exercise thing. I think I can do this!
Results so Far
Starting 130lbs
week 1 128lbs loss of 2lbs
week 2 126lbs loss of 2lbs
week 3 127lbs gain of 1lb still down 3lbs overall
week 4 126lbs loss of 1lb down 4lbs since started
week 5 124lbs loss of 2lbs down 6lbs since started
week 6 123.5lbs loss of 1/2 lb down  6.5 lbs since started
week 7 123.5lbs no loss or gain down 6.5 lbs since started
week 8 123lbs loss of 1/2 lb down 7 lbs since I started
week 9 122.5lbs loss of 1/2lb down 7.5 lbs since started
week 10 121lbs loss of 1.5 lbs down 9lbs since started
week 11 120lbs loss of 1 lb  down 10 lbs since I started and my first weight loss goal!

I am so excited that I made it to my first weight loss goal of 10lbs. I haven't been this thin since well over 5 years ago and two kids ago. My next weight loss goal is to hit 115lb mark which is what I was before I had my 3rd kid. I know if I keep up the good work I can make that goal too.

Want to lose weight and get healthy on Nutrisystem? Join today by calling 1-888-853-4689 or by visiting http://www.nutrisystem.com/nsblog

Nutrisystem products free of charge in exchange for my reviews and all opinions are my own.

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