Tuesday, January 17, 2012

A New Year and a New Nutrisystem week 20

So my last Nutrisystem I told you my journey was done well since I did reach my first goal of 10lbs I made another goal to lose 5 more pounds so a total of 15lbs since started. Seeing the new Nutrisystem Success program started in 2012 I decided to go ahead and continue for another 3 months and try to make it to make ultimate goal of weighing 115. Yay! Now I must say the Holiday did damage to my diet. I must say though after going through the Nutrisystem I had alot more self control and realized portion control but I did gain some of that fetched weight back (Im sad) but this is a new year and I have more motivation and more control to do this right!
So what's new with the Nutrisystem Success program? Alot! It is a better program with alot more success. It doesn't only help you diet but it helps change your lifestyle and help you learn that its not a diet it is a way of life and you learn the basic on how to eat without overindulging. Plus they added some great new food item inspired by Chefs Table! MMM Yummy! The best part they added a delicious yet fulling protein shake to breakfast that comes in 4 different flavors, strawberry, vanilla, chocolate and coffee. The great thing about the shakes is you just add cold water and mix in their convenient mixing shaker cup. You can even do water and ice and the protein powder in the blender for a frozen yummy shake. I mean whats better than a yummy shake and you could even add your fruit to it and make it a smoothie. It keeps you full for hours and gives you the protein to give you the energy to make it through the day. I love it! I cant wait to see how things go now on this great diet program!

Results so Far
Results so Far
Results so Far
Starting 130lbs
week 1 128lbs loss of 2lbs
week 2 126lbs loss of 2lbs
week 3 127lbs gain of 1lb still down 3lbs overall
week 4 126lbs loss of 1lb down 4lbs since started
week 5 124lbs loss of 2lbs down 6lbs since started
week 6 123.5lbs loss of 1/2 lb down 6.5 lbs since started
week 7 123.5lbs no loss or gain down 6.5 lbs since started
week 8 123lbs loss of 1/2 lb down 7 lbs since I started
week 9 122.5lbs loss of 1/2lb down 7.5 lbs since started
week 10 121lbs loss of 1.5 lbs down 9lbs since started
week 11 120lbs loss of 1 lb down 10 lbs since I started and my first weight loss goal!
week 12 119lbs loss of 1 lb down 11 lbs since started!
week 13 120lbs gain of 1 lb down 10lbs since started!
week 14 119lbs loss of 1lb down 11lbs since started!
week 15 & 16 118 loss of 1lb down 12lbs since started!
week 17 & 18 I took off and gained 6 lbs total weight 124
week 19 122lbs loss of 2 lbs down 8lbs since started
week 20 121lbs loss of 1lb down 9lbs since started

So After being on the New Nutrisystem Success program for 2 weeks I have lost 3lbs which to me is awesome. This week I am gradually bringing exercising back to the mix of at least 15 to 30 minutes a day! Fingers cross I can get that squeezed in my schedule of fulltime college and 6 trips to picking and dropping kids off at their schools along with appts. and errands and etc. But you know what it is a New Year and a new goal and I am not going to see my glass half empty. The sun is shining, and I can do this! Stay tune next week for my next update!

Want to lose weight and get healthy on Nutrisystem? Join today by calling 1-888-853-4689 or by visiting http://www.nutrisystem.com/nsblog

I received Nutrisystem products free of charge in exchange for my reviews and all opinions are my own.


  1. Congrats on the weight loss!! It's so hard to stick to a diet, but it sounds like you're doing awesome!

  2. Congrats on your weight loss!!!
    It's hard but you just have to keep going and if you slip up just get right back on that path. Good luck It gets easier.
