

Monday, February 13, 2012

Last minute Valentines day gift with K-Y and giveaway ends 3-2

Do you need a romantic gift idea for Valentines day? How about a relaxing date night at home with your special someone? Being a parent it's hard to get a babysitter and the money to go out. Beings that Valentine’s Day is on a week day this year makes it even harder. So what do I do now? My old back up plan a romantic night at home. Put the kids to bed early and me and my hubby are going to do a romantic candle lit dinner.
So how do I turn this night into something even more special? I am excited to share that K-Y® Brand has partnered with Moviefone.com to offer an exclusive set of DATE NIGHT Packs, which combine K-Y® Brand’s portfolio of premium intimacy enhancement products with a voucher for $10 off movie tickets for two. These Date Night Packs are a perfect way for couple’s to spend Valentine’s Day together, both inside and outside of the bedroom. Yep the perfect last minute gift idea that will leave both you and your special someone happy. So head out and pick up your special K-Y Date Night pack today and make this Valentines the best one yet!

We are giving one lucky reader a Date night pack from K-Y as well. Yay!

To Enter:
Fill out form below

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Alisha K said...

My favorite is just cuddly on the couch with a good movie.

Maegan Morin said...

i like to just go for a nice walk around town at night. I find it so peaceful and relaxing and even better when I'm sharing it with him.

debijackson said...

a special supper at home
gfc debijackson
all others debbie jackson
djackson1958 at hotmail dot com

Sweet Panda said...

Get mom to babysit our kids and we have a special homemade dinner at home

sweetpanda2010 at gmail dot com

The McKennas said...

I love walking on the beach and looking at the stars!

Christyn M

Anonymous said...

Just relaxing at home with a good movie, and dinner

Unknown said...

Snuggled in bed with Netflix! :) It's our nightly date night!

B.J. Bernal said...

dinner and a movie at home

Restaurant Bruges said...

really a beautiful gift for the valentine i really love this a lot

Silver Jewelry Jaipur said...

a very nice and really awesome post a lot

finance managment tips said...

fun an really a great post

Bree said...

My mom babysits, and we get a bottle of wine and borrow a movie from friends!

breej23 at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

dinner and movie at home.
