Monday, February 27, 2012

X Out acne treatment for teens review

My oldest child is 13. She has always been big on fitting in and being with the popular crowd. This year was the start of junior high. It has been a huge change for her and her self esteem. The worst part for her about growing up is the acne. She has now began to get blackheads and pimples on her face. She has the Italian oily skin which sucks.

Before starting the X Out acne treatments her regimen was wash her face with soap or the neutrogena soap every morning and night. I also told her to try not to touch her face. It helped some but it was getting worse at times. She was getting patches of acne especial by her nose ans forehead. It has really made her embarrassed about her complexion. So much so she wanted to wear makeup to cover it up and I really don't like her wearing makeup every day.

My daughter was very excited the X Out acne treatments. She loved that it was only one step and was easy to use. She is really hoping it helps her get rid of her acne and back to her beautiful self again. Especially before the dances.


Stay tune in a couple of weeks for the results. We will be doing the X Out acne treatments daily for the next couple weeks. Then I will come back and tell you guys how it did and how my daughter feels about the treatments. Finger cross they work and pass her expectations.

I wrote this review while participating in a test drive campaign by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of X Out and received a X Out product sample to facilitate my review, one to giveaway, and a promotional item to thank me for participating.


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