Thursday, March 1, 2012

Smart for life bars review

The number one New Years resolution every year is to eat better and lose weight. So how many of you are eating healthier and trying to find foods that taste good and are good for you? How many of you are on a high protein diet like for P90X or whatever? Well I got some news for you. I found another great protein bar that is great for you and your diet. It is called Smart for Life bars. They are delicious and healthy and help you make it through the day. Best part they are pretty good priced compared to some bars out there. Best part they got awesome flavors like chocolate chip cookie, oatmeal raisin, banana chocolate chip granola and more. You have to check them out!

Smart for Life: 180 calories/ 18g protein
This Protein Blend provides you with a balanced amino acid blend from many sources to help you gain muscle and keep your hunger under control. Smart for Live only uses canola oil – oil packed with Omega-3 Fatty Acids which means it’s actually good for you and your heart. , Box of 12/ $15.00

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