Saturday, July 28, 2012

Comfort Zone® with Feliway® products review

I am a cat lover and have been since I was little. So we always have cats. A little over a year ago our cat ran away and we tried everything to find him but to no prevail so we got a new kitten. He has been the king of our castle since. He is fixed and is a indoor only cat. He has always been real lovable never scratches us or bites us but the furniture was a whole other subject. We have tried everything to get him to stop scratching the furniture but nothing has helped. So when we got Comfort Zone® with Feliway® products to try out I wasn't expecting much help but I was hopeful.

We used the diffuser and spray for about 2 weeks and already noticed a huge change. He hasn't been scratching the furniture as much even thought he products take at least a good 1 to 3 months to see full results I was shocked in a little bit of time to see some improvement. Since he has always been so playful and  Comfort Zone® with Feliway® products claims to help with introducing new pets we also decided to get a new kitten friend for him. I must say the first day or two he was extremely not sure about this little kitten. I have read alot of article that say it can take months for a resident cat to get along with a new cat so I was prepared for the long haul. With using the Comfort Zone® with Feliway® products and being how lovable my cat was within a week my cat and and new kitten are getting along and playing nicely and already love each other. Now I cant say its all because of their products but I am not ruling it out for helping them both feeling relaxed and comfortable to explore each other and get to know one another.

Don’t let destructive behavior ruin your relationship with your cat. If something disturbs your cat’s environment, such as a new pet, visitors, moving to a new home or even rearranging the furniture, he may start urine marking, scratching or even stop eating. Comfort Zone® with Feliway® products help control destructive urine marking and scratching associated with fear or stressful situations.

Overall I am inpressed with how Comfort Zone® with Feliway® products has helped my cats and would recommend it to anyone with pets and yes they do have for Dogs as well and Cats.

1 comment:

  1. I think this would be a great product. Unfortunately I do not have any kitties! :(
