Thursday, July 19, 2012

Sereni Tea review

I have a cup of herbal tea every night before bed. It is a nightly ritual and it is healthy for you! Tea is so great health wise. It contains anti oxidants, it's great for relaxing you, and reducing your chances for many illnesses. That's why a cup of tea is great for you especially green teas! So when I got the chance to try Sereni Tea I couldn't wait!

Sereni Tea is the first company to develop a line of on the go green tea stored in Liquid form. Just pour SereniTea into a glass of iced or mug of hot water to enjoy the perfect cup of tea without the hassle of steeping or brewing. SereniTea is a great healthy alternative to other powdered on the go beverages as it contains Zero calories, NO sugar, NO artificial flavors and DOUBLE the antioxidants of a normal bag of steeped tea.

Why I like Sereni Tea is because it comes in liquid form which makes it easier to mix in a cold water bottle compared to the powder forms. I also love that it is in single serving pouches so it is easy to take with me where ever I go. My husband loves the Peach and Lemon flavors. I am more partial to the plain Green tea and the Raspberry. I love that I can use them with hot water or cold. It makes my cup of hot herbal tea at bedtime ritual so much easier. This is a must have for me. I love it! So try some today and I am sure you will love it!

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