Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Best of Bridge Slow Cooker Cookbook review

I am a very busy mom to 6 kids as well as I am a full-time college student and I take care of my mom right now since she had back surgery so its hard to plan and make dinner most nights. So that's why I have a crockpot and I use it alot. I love the idea of throwing something in it in the morning  and at dinner time its ready to eat! The thing is I don't have alot of crockpot recipes. Well until I got the chance to try out Best bridge slow cooker cookbook.

This book is filled with great recipes for all meals like breakfast, brunch, dinner, even dessert. This book will be perfect for parties get together and yes even a busy mom life! There are 200 slow cooker recipes and trust me alot of them make my mouth water just thinking about them. Some of my favorites are Overnight Raspberry French Toast,Best Ever Cream of Tomato Soup, and Alison's Dad's Chicken Bacon Special. Oh and don't forget desserts like Apple Cranberry crisp or Chocolate Banana Bread pudding.

So if you need more slow cooker recipes like me you have to get Best bridge slow cooker cookbook. You will be glad you did and so will everyone else eating at your house!

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