Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Need Energy Try 5 Hour Energy Giveaway ends 8-31

Finding the energy for work and family responsibilities is hard enough. Throw in a second job, go back to school, or simply have a sleepless night and you’re bound to hit the wall. So what do you do when that afternoon lull strikes? Run for more coffee? Grab a soda? But how long does that last before you need a refill? Try this instead – take one 5-hour ENERGY®  . It’s the quick, simple way for hard working people to feel alert and energized for hours.

 The key ingredients in 5-hour ENERGY® are also available in every day foods. It contains zero sugar, zero herbal stimulants, and four calories. It also contains about as much caffeine as a cup of the leading premium coffee. Packed with B Vitamins and nutrients.

I used to be huge on energy drinks until I started noticing I always felt worse after I drank them. My heart would race, my head would hurt, and I was more tired. I then learned in my nutrition class the only way to get good natural energy is through B vitamins not the stimulants. So when I heard and read up on 5 hour energy and found that it is pack with B vitamins and not guarana or other bad chemicals I had to try it! I must be honest they are way better cold then warm plus I chug it because sipping was a little much for me. It's not that the taste is that bad. The new berry flavor is actually pretty good but you definitely can taste the vitamin after taste. I just downed it and took a sip of water and was good. I would say within 15 to 20 minutes I felt good not racing but relaxed, happy and not so tired. I was able to get some things done. A hour, or two later I still felt great. I felt refreshed all day and with six kids and always being busy that never happens when I am not tired. So this was heavenly to get everything done and to feel great!

Now I am not going tosit here and tell you everyone that drink this is going to magically feel better and not tired because everyone is different. I am going to tell you I have tried it 8 or 9 times since and everytime I tried 5-hour ENERGY®  I felt good and refresh and I definitely think it is worth you trying if you need a little boost without all the harsh chemicals! So check it out!

We are giving one lucky reader a 6 pack of 5-hour ENERGY®  to try out for yourself yay!

To Enter:
Fill out form Below

a Rafflecopter giveaway

 I received compensation for my review. I received a 6 pack of 5 Hour energy to try and facilitate my review and my opinion of the product thanks to 5 Hour Energy and Smiley360.


  1. I could use the 5 hour energy RIGHT NOW. About 2 pm i get sooooo draggy at work. I wish I had on in my desk drawer for sure!!!!

  2. My energy lags at about 3pm and I fall asleep for a little while. I need something to keep me going.

    lkish77123 at gmail dot com

  3. because I'm always slagging by 1pm!! I need something to help with my energy!

  4. i always have to drink some sort of energy drink to stay alert

  5. I'd like to see if it keeps me alert after 2 in the afternoon.

  6. There are days when I just need a little extra oomph! I especially could use some energy in the afternoon, even more so with school starting!

    h4schaffer at gmail dot com

  7. I get very sleepy around 3:00 at work. This would be great to try then.
