Monday, November 19, 2012

San-J Sauces review

It is the biggest cooking season of the year with Thanksgiving and Christmas so what do you do to make your special dinners to stand out? I use San-J Sauces. I got the chance to try a few of their amazing products and I must say I love them. I got the Tamari sauce, Teriyaki sauce, Tamari Peanut sauce, Sweet and tangy sauce, Orange sauce and Tamari sesame salad dressing. I couldnt wait to try them.
I made some delicious orange chicken and a salad  as well as my teriyaki stir fry with some of the sauce and man it was awesome. It was just as good as going out to eat chinese. The best part of these sauces is that they are Gluten free and some are even organic. They are great priced and at my local supermarket. I cant wait to use some at thanksgiving on the turkey. These are definite must haves in the kitchen!

So head out to your local grocery store and pick one some of San-J saces, salad dressings, crackers, soups and more. You will be glad you did!

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