Saturday, November 17, 2012

Xmas-Halo Oral Antiseptic Spray review and giveaway ends 12-1

The weather has changed and the cold is here. I'm so not ready for winter. If it was up to me I would have spring and summer all year long lol but that's not the case. With the cold weather here that means everyone in my house has began to get sick. With a household of 9 people right now colds seems to go around and around to each of the people and never ends. So when i got a chance to try Halo Oral Antiseptic spray I figured why not if it works wonderful and if it don't then at least we tried.

When we got it the flu had already began around our house so I gave the kids all 3 sprays of the children Halo spray in their mouth and kept my fingers crossed it helped. My kids didn't mind the taste much. It was suppose to taste grapes they say it taste like a grape medicine  but they didn't fight me to take it the next day so it cant be too bad. I gave me, my hubby and my mom all the sprays of the adult Halo spray. Out of the 9 people in our house only 3 people got the 48 hours stomach flu and I did the same for the next cold that started and only 2 of them got sick. Overall that impressed me enough to say yep this stuff helps and I bought more.

So if your looking for something to help your family not catch those icky germ bugs floating around this year you need to try Halo Oral Antiseptic spray. It is at Walmart, Walgreens and many other drug and department stores.

We are giving one lucky reader some of the Adults Halo Oral Antiseptic spray yay!

To Enter Fill out form below:
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Tissues!!
    We must have tissues and they must be PUFFS!!!

  2. Lemons to go with hot water and/or honey

    lkish77123 at gmail dot com

  3. I think a spray would be great for my kids.
