Friday, April 12, 2013

Hide 'Em and Hatch 'Em Eggs- Perfect activities for spring

Spring is here and school is almost out so we are all looking for fun things to do with our kids. I love doing nature stuff. We went on a nature scavenger hunt grabbing things like flowers, leaves and etc from nature then went to Art museum then when we got home we took our nature stuff and made a art project. We had so much fun! It was free and easy and fun!

Another fun thing is we visit local farms and petting zoos and duck ponds and feed the animals and learn about them. We write about them or make a picture about them. Then when we were all done I gave each of them a Hide 'EM and Hatch 'EM Egg to grow and hatch their own cute little animal. There is 3 cute little animals, a bunny, a chick, and a duck. My kids had so much fun putting their egg in water and waiting a couple days to see which animal they were gonna get. I was so adorable seeing my kids as anxious new parents waiting for the arrival of their new little baby animal lol. They named them and it was such a fun learning experience especially for Spring. These are a cute way to bring Spring into your home and your kids will love them! Check them out and pick up some Hide 'EM and Hatch 'EM Egg today for a great price!

There are so many different easy and fun activities to do with your kids to bring in Spring and soon Summer. So many new products to have fun with and learn with too. What are some things you do?

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