Oh my yes yes yes! I love it!!!! This mouse is the best mouse in the universe!! It really is. I love the warming feature. I get really cold hands and my basement where my computer is is SO cold always and this keeps me warm. I also suffer from Tendinitis really bad and lately with all my typing it has acted up in full flare up and this mouse has been awesome with relaxing my wrist and hand and taking some of the pain away.
Another feature I totally love is it is a optical mouse. None of those stupid balls on the bottom always getting dirty and getting stuck or falling out it is great. It has a soft rubbery coating on it not the hard plastic so it is so comfortable to touch and grip. It has a illuminated scrolling wheel which is great for at night . It also has a on and off switch when you don't want to use the awesome heating feature but I honestly have never shut mine off ever. ]
So if your in the market for a new mouse look no further or if you have Tendinitis, carpal Tunnel, and even arthritis this is the mouse for you. It is the most worth it computer accessory you'll ever buy! Check out this great site and their greatest product ever the Warm Mouse at http://www.warmmouse.com/.
Warm Mouse has Graciously offer to give one lucky reader a chance to win this awesome mouse. How absolutely cool is that! This contest will start today and end Feb. 27 at 10 pm Mountain Time and winners will be posted by Feb. 28.
To enter
1.visit http://www.warmmouse.com/ then come back here and tell me why you love this product
2. visit http://www.warmmouse.com/ give us a vote on the StartUpNation Moms in Business competition, leaving a comment on that site.
3. Follow my blog on blogger
4. subscribe to my feeds
5. Blog about this contest and comment me with the link
6. Favorite me on technoratti
7. Follow me on Twitter (collyn23)
so you can have up to 7 entries to this great contest email a separate comment for each entry and let me know that you did it. Good luck!!
My house is so drafty and cold and my hands get stiff making it hard to type so this would be a big help.
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I'm online so much - this sounds like it would be great !
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I did not know this item even existed. It sounds great. I have Dupuytren's Contracture of my right hand and my hand gets so cold when I use my mouse for any length of time. I would love to win this warming mouse to improve my circulation and ease the sensitivity in my hand. Thanks for your offer.
my mom suffers from carpal Tunnel and has arthritis, but she has to work on a computer. i would love to get this for her. i did not know that there was such a thing as a warm mouse. i hope this would help her :)
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i voted on the warm mouse site, but i could not see a spot to comment there. you can delete this entry if i did something wrong.
I like that it can improve circulation in your hands! Very nice!!
Following your blog! purposedrivenlife4you (at) gmail (dot) com
Subscribed! purposedrivenlife4you (at) gmail (dot) com
I voted on the site! purposedrivenlife4you (at) gmail (dot) com
Blogged: http://treasuredgiveaways.blogspot.com/2009/02/warm-me-mouse.html
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my hands are always cold...and my hands get achy when I am on the computer so this sounds great
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i follow you on twitter...txsangie
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i voted on the warm me website
I love that it warms to a perfect 104 degrees. This will be great during the winter. utgal2004[at]yahoo[dot]com
I subscribed to your feed on my yahoo. utgal2004[at]yahoo[dot]com
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One word...warm!
I'd love to own this Warm Mouse. It costs too much to run the furnace so that the house is actually WARM in the winter. Add poor circulation, and you have cold, cold hands. Wonderful invention!
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My mom has severe arthritis and this would be just perfect for her!
I gave you a vote!
I follow as pestkaj
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faved on technorati user pestkaj
I like that this mouse can help to reverse damage done from overworked joints. Sounds really nice since I have carpal tunnel.
I put you on my Google reader at rubymoonstone(at)gmail(dot)com
I love it because it works with a PC or mac.
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I suffer from Tendinitis in both hands & Warm Mouse improves circulation in your hand, fingers, thumbs and fingertips. It can even reverse damage done from overworked joints and that sounds awesome to me. Thanks for such a Wonderful Giveaway!!
I am now a follower. Thanks!!
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I voted on the site! =)
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Glad for yet another chance to win this mouse. It would be great to warm my hand. I like that it is optical, but that also it can be shut off, which would be good for summertime use.
Voted again, this time left comment
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I love that it helps improve circulation. . .my hands get cold and stiff when I am on the computer, this should help.
I live in an old, drafty house and my computer is near a window. Add in the facts that I'm extremely cold-natured (we're talking sweats in Texas in summer) and have joint pain and you have "WHY don't have this yet?!?!?!"
Love everything about this mouse! Ergonomically designed, minimizing unnecessary pressure on the wrist and forearm muscles. You can move freely while delivering therapeutic heat to relax tight hand and wrist muscles. That's just what I need!
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i love that this product is great for people with arthritis and CPS!
I am following your blog and also on twitter, omgosh I grew up in American Fork, went to elementary, jr. high adn high school there, great place :D I moved to salt lake when I was lets see 21 :D Ohh I do graphics on my computer and my hand get SOOO sore, this would be FABULOUS, Ive never seen one of these before AWESOME :D Carm
My hands stay cold so the warming feature would be great for me.
I like the fact that the WARM MOUSE improves circulation in your hand, fingers, thumb and fingertips.
would love this...i checked their site out
My hubby would love this since his computer is in the coldest room ever! He comes out of there freezing, poor thing! I like that it has Optical Scrolling.
Your kids are precious!
I have circulation problems in my hands, and my mouse hand gets cold and sore from so much time at the computer. I could really use this! Thanks so much!!
I love that the WARM ME Mouse is ergonomically designed to fit in your hand comfortably while minimizing unnecessary pressure on your wrist and forearm muscles while keeping your hand warm. This would be so great to have because we live on the lake and our windows are really drafty which is where our computer sits, this would be perfect to keep my hand warm! Thanks so much for such a wonderful giveaway!
I am also following you on Twitter (furygirl3132).
I really luv this mouse, I want one. For my arthritis, to keep my hand warm, and because my old mouse is acting up.
Am tired of one hand being nice and warm while the other one is freezing.
I love the idea of a WARM mouse! My home office is always SO cold...and my hands are the only thing left sticking out.
awaerhouse (at) gmail (dot) com
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awaerhouse (at) gmail (dot) com
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awaerhouse (at) gmail (dot) com
I love this mouse because my hands are always cold as I have poor circulation.
I have carpal tunnel and heat helps. This would be great
weblynx at hotmail.com
I love that the heat radiates and that you can switch it off as well!
I work in an office where I am on computer then to shake customer's hands. My "mouse" hand is so cold when I shake customers hands....they usually committee on this fact. The warm mouse would improve my "customer relations. lol
I think it would help my poor husband with his dry chapped hands.
Cool mouse!! I'm a churchmouse but need to buy one if I don't win one here :) I visited its site and it's Accurate (800 dpi) which is great for someone w/ wrist issues and reduces over-clicking when the cursor that doesn't bloody move when and where you want it to!! Also, it warms up to 104 degrees, mmm. Sounds heavenly! Thanks for the entry!
c81280@hotmail dot com
This mouse looks so good.I hate it when my hands get cold,that most of the time . Thanks
This would make a great gift for a friend of mine. She always has cold hands. She would love something that would help warm her hands and it's neat that it works with any computer.
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I think I forgot to give you my twitter name following as ljshores
favorite on technorati ljshores
my hands always cramp up i bet this would be wonderful :)
following u on twitter klp1965
My darling MIL experiences severe arthritis but still love to create cute card on her computer. I definitely know that this amazing mouse would so help her and bring magic back to her fabulous computer days!
Thanks so much for this fabulous give~away! : )))
I am following your BLOG! : )))
I also subscribe via GOOGLE READER! : )))
I am following you on TWITTER....username: leahita!!! : )))
And, I faved you on technorati....user name: leahita.
Thanks again for this fabulous give~away.
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