So to day is the first day of My monkey"s 1st Birthday bash! We are counting down to March 18th when my baby girl will turn one. She is my last baby so this whole year has totally flew bye. It is soo bitter sweet. I miss the newborn stage already!
The pregnancy was a easy one compared to my other one. The labor was harder though. I had contraction and I mean painful one for a month before I delivered her. I was stuck at 2 to 3 centimeters for about 3 weeks and 90% effaced. finally they started pitiocin and broke my water and with in 3 hours she was out and I have to say that was the longest delivery ever.
Now if your like me I notice something with her is 3's. She was 3 1/2 weeks early. i was having contractions for 3 weeks, I was stuck at 3 centimeter and delivery was 3 hours and she was born on the 3rd month. And even funnier she sneezes in 3's haha. So 3 is totally her number.
Ok now almost a year later she has been my first to roll over at 6 weeks both ways, sit up 6 months, stand up 9 months, first steps 10 months, and walking 11 months. She has done everything before all of my other kids, which makes me sad since she is the baby and she is growing up faster. She wants to be a big girl. She is a happy baby and easily pleased. She is a Mommy's girl big time. So is very opinionated and already throws tantrums lol. I honest cant wait to see wait the next year brings! So here is a few pictures of her over the first year of her life!
OK and now for the nickname when she was about 2 weeks old I started calling her Chunky Monkey because she reminded me of a little monkey baby haha. she had the small head with the chubby cheeks and was such a wiggler. So from that day on she because monkey, momma's chunky Monkey. Haha even my 2yr old calls her monkey lol poor kid. So for her birthday I found lots of monkey present and mod monkey party supplies and monkey cupcakes I am excited!

one day old
1st Easter and very Jaundice

2 months old look at those curls
1st baby contest she won for best patrotic costume 3 month old
A favorite pic of mine red hair blue eyes 7 months old
1st Halloween my little Monkey sick with 105 fever
Yesterday Playing out side
Posing pretty yesterday look how she has grown
She is so cute! They sure do get big fast!
Happy Birthday Baby! You are so cute!
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