Fun Stuff 4 Babies is a Tampa, FL based company whose mission is to develop products that encourage and acknowledge Dad’s involvement in raising children. The company was created in 2008 by Chris and Julie Hartsfield, and their debut product is The Daddy Diaper Changing Toolbox.
The Daddy Diaper Changing Toolbox arms new Dads with everything they would need for their very first diaper change as well as provides them with a chuckle. The toolbox includes items such as a diaper, wipes, a turkey baster for precision hiney washing, tongs for several inches of steel separation between dad and the stinky diaper, Goggles, and many more practical and funny items.
I laughed so hard while going through mine toolbox. I gave it to my husband and even he thought it was great and laughed. My mom and mother in law got a kick out of it and so did my sister in law. Trust me this is a perfect Fathers day gift for any father or father to be!
We are giving one away in honor of fathers day and it will end and be shipped in time for you to give it to you father or father to be in your life! How great is that!
To Enter:
1. go to http://www.giftsfordadtobe.com/ and leave a comment on here on what is your funniest diaper changing moment is!
The Daddy Diaper Changing Toolbox arms new Dads with everything they would need for their very first diaper change as well as provides them with a chuckle. The toolbox includes items such as a diaper, wipes, a turkey baster for precision hiney washing, tongs for several inches of steel separation between dad and the stinky diaper, Goggles, and many more practical and funny items.
I laughed so hard while going through mine toolbox. I gave it to my husband and even he thought it was great and laughed. My mom and mother in law got a kick out of it and so did my sister in law. Trust me this is a perfect Fathers day gift for any father or father to be!
We are giving one away in honor of fathers day and it will end and be shipped in time for you to give it to you father or father to be in your life! How great is that!
To Enter:
1. go to http://www.giftsfordadtobe.com/ and leave a comment on here on what is your funniest diaper changing moment is!
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it will be moment wanting to put on the diaper but baby have pee all over :(
blogged http://iluvcontest.blogspot.com/2009/05/daddy-diaper-changing-toolbox-giveaway.html
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I was changing my son at a friend's house and his sock fell off. My daughter, who was a toddler, couldn't make the "S" sound yet. So when she saw it, she yelled-"Oh no Mommy, the baby's cock fell off!"
we were moving across 3 states and stopped to change the baby. The place was dirty so we decided to do it in the car. We took the diaper off and started to change it and my son decided it was time to poop - no problem he has a clean diaper under him. So as we began cleaning him up and he decided to pee again - this time we were not so quick. He peed all over the back seats and his clothes! Not our finest parenting moment. :)
addeviant006 at gmail dot com
I remember when I was changing my sons David's diaper and my other son who was 5 was helping me . We were laughing and talking and Matt wanted to kiss Dave.The kiss was a little too long ,Matt left a hicky kiss on Daves face.
I had too tell Matt to give Dave a baby kiss.Poor David had his first hicky!!
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My funniest diaper "changing" moment was not really about me changing My daughter diaper but about her "changing her her own!!!
I went in her room when she was about 10 months old and she had stripped naked, she was holding her diaper in her hand and she said.. cold, plain ad DAY!!!
From then on I had to dress her BACKWARDS!!!! hahaha
GREAT Giveaway!! thanks so much for the Chance to win!!!
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I entered the Protect a bed Giveaway
my fave moment was when my husband changed his FIRST EVER poopy diaper.. in front of my father... he was nervous!
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addeviant006 at gmail dot com
entered the bugaloo contest
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entered the potty training giveaway
addeviant006 at gmail dot com
Just entered your Huggies Pure and Natural Diapers Giveaway!!!
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