For the past 20 years, the Energizer Bunny has been beating his drum and burning rubber in those blue flip-flops non-stop. Now, he’s taking his Keep Going attitude with a dose of humor and inspiration to Facebook!
We’re hoping you’ll become one of the first fans at http://facebook.com/energizerbunny, where you can be the first to know where the Energizer Bunny is and what he has been up to, as well as find out about the latest deals and promotions.
We’re hoping you’ll become one of the first fans at http://facebook.com/energizerbunny, where you can be the first to know where the Energizer Bunny is and what he has been up to, as well as find out about the latest deals and promotions.
want to win some cute Energizer bunny slippers??? Well here's how
To Enter:
1. go to http://facebook.com/energizerbunny and become a fan
Extra entries
2.Follow me
3.sign up for my rss feeds
4.Blog about this giveaway this will count for 3 entries
5.link to this page for 4 entries
6.follow me on twitter (collyn23) and tweet this contest
7.Enter my other giveaways 1 entry for each entered
8.Fav me on Technoratti
9.add my blog to your blogroll counts as 3 entries
10 add my button to your site
I became fan but I use a different email for facebook than for blogging. My face book is under Laura DeLuca email lauralowe144@comcast.net Email me for google is timmiedeluca@comcast.net
i follow
i entered all your other contests
I am now a fan and wrote on the wall
Peggy Gorman
rss feeds subscriber
Faved on Technoratti
added button to my site
added blog to my blogroll #1
added blog to my blogroll
I became a fan! thanks for the chance, justicecw@hotmail.com
I am a follower. justicecw@hotmail.com
I entered the Uneaks giveaway. justicecw@hotmail.com
I entered the Phototfiddle giveaway. thanks, justicecw@hotmail.com
I entered the Fairytale Brownies giveaway. justicecw@hotmail.com
I entered the Firefly giveaway. justicecw@hotmail.com
I entered the Durex giveaway. justicecw@hotmail.com
I entered the Pretty Peacock giveaway. justicecw@hotmail.com
I entered the Hotel for dogs givewaway. thanks, justicecw@hotmail.com
I am now a fan of Energizer on Facebook
Judy Brittle
I'm a follower.
I follow on Twitter and tweeted
I entered your Uneaks giveaway.
I entered your Fairy Tale Brownies giveaway.
I entered your Firefly Toothbrush giveaway.
I entered your Let Me B giveaway.
I entered your Pretty Peacock giveaway.
I entered your Hotel For Dogs giveaway.
I entered your Protect a bed giveaway.
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