I wanted to share such a great inspiring story and a awesome good deed one of my Sponsor did. My Sponsor's for event are awesome but every once in a while I meet a new friend and a special person in my sponsor's. This is what happened with A sponsor from my Christmas bash. Melissa from Tiny Tag Designs. Not only has a awesome company and beautiful jewelry, She has a heart of gold.
One of my winners Shannon won a gorgeous Tag Necklace from my Christmas bash and the customer service between her and and Melissa was awesome. Shannon then told her that she wanted this necklace stamped with the name of her nephew's name who passed away from SIDS at 3 weeks old back in may as a memorial for herself. Melissa rose up to that and let her Stamp not only the one name as agreed upon but Baby Kyle because that's what they call him plus she added a beautiful cross on it as well. Shannon was blown away with the kindness and thoughtfulness of Melissa. She just thought Melissa was the kindness most awesome person ever for throwing in those extra goodies.

What happened next was beyond Shannon's wildest dream. Shannon then received a note with her necklace that Melissa from Tiny Tag Designs had made a donation in the Memory of Baby Kyle to CJ Foundation of S.I.D.S. This not only Blew Shannon away and her sister away it blew me away as well. I wanted to let you all know the awesomeness of this person and her kindness. She is a real angel! For anyone who has lost a child knows how special this really is.

I lost a baby at 18 weeks gestation due to heart failure and I also lost my 21 year old nephew. Every day I miss both of them so much. It tears me up to think about how much I wish I could see both of their faces. I might not of ever got to see or hold my baby but I felt it move, it hiccup, I saw it on ultrasound sucking its little thumb so he was real very real. My nephew was one of my best friends my game playing buddies. I miss his smile, his goofiness, his stupid remarks, his teasing and his love for food and gifts ha ha. Anyone who knew my nephew knew what a smart , funny , happy person he was.

Wow, that's incredible!! I'm an mommy of two angel babies now so I definitely understand the heartache that goes along with it. What an incredible thing to do of Melissa!! It's companies like this with heart and love that deserve to be supported and promoted. I'm definitely touched by this story!
Hey Tony!
Thank you for the awesome words of James. They are the same memories I have of him and I love and miss him soooo much as well. You brought tears in my eyes because every time I read something or think about him a deep feeling comes over me.
Zanna C.
I really appreciate your post,you are so right, Mellisa does have a heart of gold!I will never forget what she's done for my nephew and me.Her company donated to others as well,she spreads her love through many and im just so happy to have her as friend in my life.
Thank-You for sharing this with all your readers and i am so sorry about the losses we all have to go through in this life. Im a true believer that one day we will reunite with our loved ones and never have to feel the pain and suffering ever again.
Baby Kyle,Your baby and your nephew are all watching down on us and will always have a shinning place in our hearts.
Im sorry for everyone and anyone whom had to ever go through a loss like this and i wish the pain could go away,but i know as the days go by its only sooner that we will all be together again.
Top website, I hadn't come across beautifulangelzz.blogspot.com previously in my searches!
Carry on the fantastic work!
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