

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Wow what crazy days

What a long day yesterday and another one today.  Yesterday I had to food shop then came home put it all away then turned around and picked my son up from school to go to the Dermatologist. Then dropped my 5 year old off at Headstart. Then ran to the Doctors where they looked at my son's. who is 9, mole on his cheek. The doctor thought it was a little weird discolorated so he decided to right there in his office give my son a shot to numb his face then cut and remove the mole by making a oval shape incision. Mind you my son was a nervous wreck and this mole was right at his cheek bone. They removed it cauterized it then put 10 stitches in it. I was a nervous wreck because my son has Von Willebrands Disease which is a type of Hemophilia (bleeding disorder). Lucky he bleed some but not too bad. He bruised up pretty good but what do you expect. He did awesome didnt cry or anything. I was proud. My 2 and 3 year old sat there and watched the whole precedure haha wow. They sent it off for a biopsy to make sure no cancer we find out in a week.

After that had to pick up hubby from work. Then go grab the other two from school then got home and took apart my baby girls crib and set up her big girl bed. She now has a Tinkerbell bed and  her own room with all her own toys but now I have to get pictures or posters for her poor bare walls lol. She loves her new bed. She is growing up way too fast. After that it was get my 5 year old from school and put money in the bank so things dont bounce.  Came home and made yummy homemade loaded nachos. Then got kids to bed and relaxed.

Then 12 midnight today started with my Hubby in severe pain in his stomach. Thinking possible appendix we rushed him to ER at 2 AM . After 2 hours found out it was a kidney stone. His first one. I have had many so I felt for him. At 4 AM they sent him home with strainer and pain meds and wait til it passes. Now today I got to go to store for poster board for my daughter report and get diapers again. Then drop papers off at lawyers office 25 minutes away along with normal picking and dropping kids off all day. Plus my son has his first Soccer practice of the Spring session tonight. I am running on 2 hours of sleep. I have a feeling this is gonna be a long day!!

1 comment:

A GAL NEEDS... said...

Wow, what a super crazy day. How do you do it all? My hat is off to you! You must take super energy pills or something. New follower! I'm at AGalNeedsAtLeast2Blogs!