I can't remember!
Yay! Persistance is the key!!! Congrats!!

Sketch or paint on a blank canvas to produce an original image, and add creative elements to any digital project. With great tools, brushes, paints and effects, you will find all kinds of ways to spruce up those beautiful pics and make them even more exciting. You will be letting your creativity out trust me and like I said it is sooo fun and easy.
This a great program for anyone to have. It is even great for kids to create their masterpieces. I recommend this for all computer users and people with kids and pictures. You can find out so much more at http://www.corel.com/servlet/Satellite/us/en/Product/1190317151777#tabview=tab0
Corel sent me 1 to giveaway which is soooo cool! OK this contest will be a little different instead of the normal two weeks contest even though it might take a while it will be fun I figured we would do my first Live Giveaway.
OK how this will work first you must and I mean must go to the site above and tell me one feature about this program you love. This is mandatory to win and I WILL CHECK! Also there must be a way to contact you if you are the winner. I have had to pick a different winner because i couldn't contact them!!!!
After you post your initial entry the rules are you can just comment and chat through comments till we get to the winning number only rules are you cant not post twice in a row there must be a comment in between your comments and your comments must be more than one word. Most importantly Have fun!!
OK and for the winning number 217
1 – 200 of 214 Newer› Newest»I would like to have a fairly easy program to use to play with pics and this one looks like it would be fun. One of the features I like is it has 32 undo levels, but I also like that it has a tutorial based guidebook. It looks like it has lots of great features.
This sounds like such a fun program!! Thanks for the chance!!
I love that it has a tutorial based guidebook otherwise I would be lost! I also love that it is MAC compatible
I can see it's going to be a while before we get to the magic number. I really would love to give this a try.
I am going to go tweet!
I like that it has charcoal brushes. This would be great for my family
I would use this for my dd's pics
This would be great for my girls to use to make gifts for family members!
I tweeted again this is going to be a long one
Yes, I think it will be a long time. Good think I am home today...I'll just leave the computer on
I think it may be due to the Blogging Party going on I can't keep up!
There is definitely a lot going on right now....I don't know how you mommy bloggers do it! I give you lots of praise!
I'm pretty new and definitely have lots of trouble keeping up but it does keep me out of trouble
Brea, I just checked out your blog, your kids are cuties!
Your welcome, I hope you are feeling better. Aww, naptime in our house, one of my favorite parts of my day
Also, thanks a bunch for following!
Your welcome, love to find new blogs worth following. What do you do in the psych hospital? I use to work in a mental health clinic for kids.
Woah...check this out!!
Paper Selector
Enjoy quick access to a greater selection of paper textures that accurately reproduce the feel of using traditional art materials. You can even control the texture of the canvas to achieve the results expected from using traditional media on a given surface, like pencil on watercolor paper, felt pens on cotton paper, or chalk on the sidewalk.
Sidewalk chalk painting on the computer?? How cool is that???
I like that you can authentically reproduce the natural movement of your brush, right down to the individual bristles. How darn cool is that! I love photography, but don't have any cool programs to play with. I usually have to send my pictures to my SIL and she edits them for me. I'd love to be able to do it myself...and from what I've seen on the Corel Painter website the possibilities are endless!
I also send my pics to my sister in law!...lol
I'm getting into digi scrapbooking. This would be a cool tool for that!
The tips and tricks section of the website is really helpful!
Just thought I would check in. Going back to reader
I thought a lot more people would be posting a lot quicker. This seems like such a great product to win! So many things to do with it!
I so agree with you! I keep being called away. So much I want to/need to do. I'd swear it was a lazy Sunday except for the hecticness. LOL
Wow, where is everyone. Every time I come back, I think there will be a lot more posts!
Yeah me too. I thought for sure it would have picked up by now!
yes this is going slow I am going to tweet it and try to get the word out more it is a awesome program
Taking my daughter outside to play a bit before dinner...let's see some posting!..lol
There are a lot of ways to learn to use this program. For example, "Access video tutorials from Painter Master John Derry directly from the application." Very cool feature!
I would love a great program to play with my pics and this feature sounds great for me 'Tutorial-based Guidebook' since I am just learing how to play with photo editing stuff. You can email me shimmermeblue23@yahoo.com if I win.
Weekend is coming up, posts should pick up by then, I hope.
I like the RealBristle Brushes. How cool is that?
I also like that it comes complete with at guidebook. Because I need all the help I can get with things like this!
I just tweeted this, now I'm off to check out the rest of your blogs.
I just twittered
So I tweeted about it but I don't know how to show the individual tweet link. Can anyone help me out?
I see some new faces!
Hi Brea's Mommy, I just stopped by your blog but left to check out the blog party. Now I have to stop back hehe. Great blog btw. Your daughter's gorgeous!
TO PIECE OF ME: To get the link, click where it says (for example) "8 minutes ago from web" (right below your post). Then copy/paste the link that comes up in the search bar. I needed help with this, too, when I first started!
Brea, great Thankful Thursday! I might just have to do one of those posts some Thursday!
Thanks shimmermeblue
Thanks so much Carolsue!
I got it! http://twitter.com/PieceOfMeBlog/status/1363431489
Shimmermeblue I just favorited you on etsy I love the calm serenity watch it is beautiful! Will check more out when I have time!
You're welcome Brea, this is gonna be a long night hehe.
It is looking that way for sure
I've been getting caught up on my Entrecard clicks. You know what really irks me is when people drop on you but don't have the widget on their site! I swear, those people need to get banned.
Dinner finished, dishes done, now its on to bath time.
I think that sometimes it is just a malfunction. Someone kept emailing me that I didn't have one on my site, but it was always there when I logged on and I still had plenty of drops. So I am not sure what happened there
Sorry brea, I didn't see your comment up there. Thank you, that is one of my favorite pieces! Well the b/f's making me go out for a bit with him, so I guess I won't be able to try to win this all night hehe. Good luck to the rest of you!
Sounds like you'll be having more fun than me!
Enough procrastinating. I have to go give my little one a bath.
What's Entrecard and drops?
Done with dinner. The weather is so nice here right now (CA) Great day for playing outside. My daughter needs a bath now!
Argh. I'm from CA originally, but now live in MA. I miss the sunshine.
Bath done! Now maybe she will go to sleep!
Mine are still up, too excited with Grandma visiting/!
I don't think I can ever move from here. No, we don't have real seasons, but I think I like it that way. If I want snow....half hour drive to the mountains. If I want beach...half hour drive to the beach.
I tweeted again!
Hey that paper selector sounds cool- totally something I would use! pestkaj(at)yahoo(dot)com
Little one still not asleep. She is watching her daddy play Xbox.
baths are done, I showered...girls are going to bed soon and I need to be a good girl and do my pilates!
Still not asleep......
I just got Brea to sleep
My alexa ranking has changed twice today. Not for the better either!
Wow I am so glad to see this tweet,I would love this program
I love the Mixer Palette! I can make beautiful colors with that! It looks like a really wonderful program...
She's finally asleep! Yay!
It's always nice when they fall asleep especially if I'm not sleepy yet!
I know! I always get excited and think of this as my "mommy time."
Wow, this could go on for a LONG time at this rate! I'll tweet again later.
So I have learned two things tonight. One is how to number my comments and two is how to find the direct link to a tweet. Productive day in my book!
Ok I am back and ready to get this baby up to at least 100. Anyone else in with me?
I'll try! But it is getting late and I need to get in the bed. So the quicker the better!
OK. I need to turn in too. everyone around me is already snoring away! (1 person, multiple pets, lest you think I have an odd situation..lol)
Haha! My little one is sleeping away but my hubby is still up playing xbox (which I despise)!
No x box here, but we love our wii. We play old school games like dr Mario on it, haha. We could have just kept the old original nintendo
I tweeted again =)
I miss Nintendo! Especially Super Mario Cart.
The wii is cool because you can download old school games for like 10 bucks. Gotta love that.
We are so the only ones working this thing!
I liked nintendo too!
Sometimes simple is better...
Good morning everyone I hope this picks up today!
Good morning ever1!
Good afternoon everyone! i thought this giveaway would have ended last night! Let's get commenting. I'm gonna go tweet this again.
I'm back!
Where are all the people today? Am I the only one dumb enough to sit at my computer on such a nice day? LOL
Nope, I am here too!
ok i am gonna try and get this going today and tomorrow but if for some reason it doesnt pick up and get to 721 on monday morning I will just random org it on moday sorry guys i thought this would go better
Just checking in to see how things are coming along
I love that it only takes 3 simple steps to turn a photo into a painting.
I think it has a lot to do with the Ultimate Blog Party going on! At least I'll have quite a few entries. I'll be back later to see how it is going!
I'm still here!
Just checking in to see how things are going! Be back later!
Just checking in, I sure would love to try this program.
Good morning!Just checking back in!
Here I am again, I would have thought for software it would be busier than this. I guess UBP is taking everyone's time
Good morning, I'm back again! I wonder if we can make it all the way today!
Good morning everyone...hope everyone is enjoying their weekend
Hi YZgirl. Mine was good, got to enjoy being outside most of the weekend. Thank God for fire though, otherwise I would have froze hehe.
I had fun weekend to!
And again...............
I am back too! I guess we really want this right Vickie!
I am so glad you girls are still going at this I promise ill make it worth it if it doesnt get to the magic 721
Back again! I can't believe there aren't more commenters! You'd think everyone would want this lol.
Hi everyone, wow, we have a lot of comments to go, huh?
I just found you on twitter.....I went to the Corel site and I like the learning tutorials - especially the video. I've never used a program like this, so I would probably need help!
I am back again today!
Any advice on how to tell if someone has posted a comment so that I don't get two in a row? Do you just keep refreshing?
Thanks and nice to meetcha.
Janet, as far as I know, you have to keep refreshing.
Are you in a mood to speed type? Do you have time, we can just go back and forth typing two words..... I can go for at least 1/2 hour. If I can't get anyone to just type, type, type, I think I'll jump out, thanks anyway!
Sorry Janet, I was pretty busy and haven't come back since the last comment I posted. It would be cool if we could actually get to comment 721 though.
Hi back again to see how things are going! Hi Shimmermeblue!
I'm baaack. Been blog hopping.
I'm back to comment today!! I had some technical difficulties yesterday!
This would be a cool program to have
I'm back again!
It was a beautiful day today!
It was a beautiful day here too!
It rained here last night and this morning. Partly cloudy most of the day. The air smells so fresh. Windy enough to hear our chimes.
No rain here hope it holds off for awhile too!
The charcoal brushes would be cool to play with
Just here giving this another bump up.
I'm adding to it! Let's keep it going ladies!
Hello all, bedtime soon
Just over 100? Oh boy, I'll check back later today =)
Good morning all!
so we are at 127 should I just random .org it or let it keep going?????
It's up to you!! I could post all day!! If others join me of course!
Just checking back to see how things are going!
I'm still kickin' here!
ok i will give it til this afternoon and then if it doesnt pick up I will random org it
Sounds good! I'll keep commenting until I hear otherwise!
I like the 32 Undo levels. I make LOTS of mistakes and it would be nice to be able to go back through my work!!
i got so many reviews to do but got 2 done and one that i forgot i have to wait til apr to post because of a special giveaway haha
Hows it coming along ladies...hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!
I am getting ready to go to a personal trainer for the first time. Wish me luck!!
Just stopping back to comment again.
i love the smart stroke technology. I bet that makes things really simple to use!
Also came by to thank you for the birthday bash photo contest goody bag!
Tonyamcrain [at] aol.com
Here I am again
I'm back from the store...ready for more commenting!
Just dropping back in!
Back again
We'll get there!
bump it up a notch
I'm listening to Jason Mraz. He's wonderful!
We're a persistent bunch
I'm here again! Anyone else?
Slowly moving up!
Hello world!
ok instead of random org it you guys have been great I love it so Ill just move the number down to 217 so this comment is 154 so only 63 more to go yay! you guys can do it!
Woot!! Let's go!!!
60 more to go
Good morning everyone!
It's a beautiful snowy day here! Yesterday was around 70 degrees and it dropped in a matter of an hour with snow flying!
Seeryus sounds like utah it did the same here. i cant wait for summer i dont do good with winter haha
I hope everyone is having a great day!
Good morning everyone! Going to enjoy the weather today and plant some seeds with my daughter. I think we are going to grow some tomatoes and cucumbers.
I love the snow...I could do without the wind!!!
The weather here has been crazy too!
I really don't want to go to work today! I'd rather play on the computer!
know how you feel my lunch break is almost over!
I need to start lunch here. Then put in my stint at work. LOL
Just checking back in. Get off soon then have to Brea to tumbling tots. Be back after that!
im back from the dentist and got 30 til pick kids up do homework pick last child up then off to dance and then dinner what a day hahaha you guys can get this done only 47 more to go
Good Afternoon all
We're getting there!! I'd really like to snag this up!!
Getting closer!
For some reason I can't access blogger @ work. I'm home now...yay! Let's wrap this up!!
I'm here willing to help :)
Hi everyone just got home!
Can we do this tonight?
I hope so!
I'm guessing yes! Yes we can!!
Hello again
let's do it
Glad to see someone else on board.
I was thinking the same thing!
I'm doing good. HOw about you? I'm Tonya by the way!
It's hard to do this in comments as oppose to chat
Yeah your right I am Sarah! Nice to meet you
hmm so have you tried counting the comments?
I am checking out your blog! Just became a follower
Thanks I was just at your blog. Your daughter is really cute
I tried to follow but keep getting a error message?!? I'm hopign to win the blog design but I am also nervous I will end up getting something I don't like. I see her work and it's all pretty but worry I would get something I didn't like kwim, lol. IDK I'm wierd. I think because I wouldn't be able to tell someone I didn't like it especially after working hard on it.
She is very good at asking for input as you go! I don't think she would take offense to any input!
ok i'm back
Oh I'm glad its not over I had to put Brea to bed.
196 unless someone comments before me
Thanks for commenting Vickie
Ohhhh, so close!
yes! You've got it!
Let's keep it rolling!
17 more to go
Ohhhh, my cell phone is ringing.
almost done
back again
It's my friend Daisy!
Crossing my fingers
gotta leave for a few
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