Now who doesnt all need some great face cream to help prevent lines, wrinkles and aging. Yes I might be young but age is creeping up on me fast and I am already seeing lines and wrinkles and sags I dont want. Well Perricone MD is here to fix that.
Perricone MD is a US company created by a well-known clinical and research dermatologist Dr. Nicholas Perricone. Recognized as the Father of the Inflammation Theory of Aging, Perricone developed an award-winning line of skin care products and supplements based on his long experience and research in dermatology. Perricone MD skin care line covers all skin’s needs and offers diverse anti-aging solutions.
The Face finishing moisturizer is a lightweight, superior facial moisturizer formulated with powerful antioxidants to help firm skin's appearance and minimize fine lines and wrinkles. Face Finishing Moisturizer is rich in texture and feels simply wonderful on the skin, imparting a visibly radiant and smooth appearance. It's formulated with three powerful anti-aging sciences: Alpha Lipoic Acid, DMAE and Vitamin C Ester. Paraben-free.
Alpha Lipoic Acid
- Patented
- The ultimate antioxidant protects the cell
- Diminishes fine lines, wrinkles and discoloration
- Refines skin texture
- Reduces pore size, puffiness, imperfections and uneven skin tone
- Patented
- Provides ultimate contouring benefits to skin beginning to lose elasticity
- Delivers lifted, tightened and toned appearance to the skin
- Diminishes the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
Vitamin C Ester
- Patented
- A powerful antioxidant that improves firmness and elasticity
- Diminishes the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and discoloration
- Imparts a radiant, smooth and luminous appearance
Vitamin C Ester Cream is a powerful form of skin-compatible Vitamin C. It helps protect the skin from damage by free radicals, reducing lines, wrinkles and discoloration and driving an improvement in skin tone and texture.
Sounds awesome to me. Definitely worth trying!
Perricone MD is giving One lucky reader will win the Face Finishing Moisturizer (valid for US only)
To Enter:
1. comment on why you feel as though you would benefit from this the usage of a Vitamin C Ester Cream.
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I NEED that cream. I just hit my 30's and fear the wrinkles
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To be honest, I'm at the age where I need help to keep my skin looking, well, visually appealing! This sounds like it can help a bit.
I follow on twitter and tweeted. http://twitter.com/susanlanai/status/4648499232
I entered your We Love Colors Tights giveaway.
I've heard great things about Perricone. I'd love to win.
i rarely use sunscreen so this cream would definitely help me to start protecting my skin!!
vitamin c ester cream is very useful when it comes to making the skin appear firmer. i've used it int he past and it definitely makes my eye bags seem less puffy.
I'm a new mother in my 30s and the stress is taking its toll on my skin! I'd love this product - sounds like it could really help me. thanks! alicedemskehansen at gmail.com
I would love to win this, I dont want to be old yet!
Great giveaway. my mom has tried out perricone products and she loved it. I would love to win this for her!
too much stressing has made me look kind of old =/ i NEED to win... besides, who says you don't need SPF in the winter?
I am desperately in need of a product that reduces my under-eye puffiness (I don't get much sleep). This product sounds fabulous. I'd love to win!
I think I would benefit with moisturizer because I don't usually break down and buy it for myself.
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I live waaaaaaaay far north & it is cold up here & it's making my skin dry. Not to mention i am in my 30's. *sigh*. Help!
alriiiighty....I am now a follower of yours:)
I'm in need of a new and better moisturizer...and it's time to begin preventative measures against the aging process. sign me up to win this!
I think I would benefit from this as I am approaching the big 4-0 this coming December, and this product claims to Decrease lines, wrinkles, and discoloration which is wonderful!!
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My skin is taking a beating from my pregnancy and I need a good skin cream
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I definately could use this cream b/c I really like to try new products and this prize would really jump-start an anti-aging rountine for me.
smilefest (at) yahoo (dot) com
I put lotion on my face every night and morning to prevent aging! I'm 20, but I want to prevent wrinkles as long as I can!
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I so need this kind of cream! I'm in my 30s (barf) and I look so much older. I saw your photo...then saw that you had 6 kids...tried to do the math...realized it was too late in the day for math...and then remembered I was wrinkly. :( LOL
I'd love to win
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I entered your uncle sam cereal giveaway
I would love to win this because I just had my 50th Birthday and the wrinkles are starting to really show :)
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Deb S
I'd love to try this to fade my skin discolorations. It also have so much additional benefits!
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