So I have another pair of Patriotic Earrings to give away to a lucky reader. These earrings are gorgeous. So well made. I love them. With a new year upon us what better way to show off the new you with these beautiful earrings. I love the red white and blue colors and the detail of the design on the biggest bead. These will definitely be a favorite in your jewelry box. Your other jewelry might get jealous lol.
So how to win these perfect earrings?
To Enter:
1. Tell me one of your New Years Resolutions.
Extra Entries:
2.Follow me
3.sign up for my rss feeds
4.Blog about this giveaway this will count for 4 entries
5.add my button to your site 2 entries
6.link to this page for 4 entries
7.Subscribe to my email feeds
8.follow me on twitter (collyn23) and tweet this contest
9.Enter my other giveaways 1 entry for each entered
10.Follow me on network blogs on sidebar
11.add my blog to your blogroll counts as 3 entries
12.Fav me on technoratti
13.comment on my non giveaway blogs 1 entry for each comment
So how to win these perfect earrings?
To Enter:
1. Tell me one of your New Years Resolutions.
Extra Entries:
2.Follow me
3.sign up for my rss feeds
4.Blog about this giveaway this will count for 4 entries
5.add my button to your site 2 entries
6.link to this page for 4 entries
7.Subscribe to my email feeds
8.follow me on twitter (collyn23) and tweet this contest
9.Enter my other giveaways 1 entry for each entered
10.Follow me on network blogs on sidebar
11.add my blog to your blogroll counts as 3 entries
12.Fav me on technoratti
13.comment on my non giveaway blogs 1 entry for each comment
One of my new years resolutions is to continue to exercise on a daily basis!
One of my New Year's Resolutions is to try and not worry about money so much.
I subscribed via RSS Feed.
I subscribed via email.
mverno@roadrunner.com to get fit
One of my New Years Resolutions is to go for a walk at least once a day, whether its to the end of the road or around the block it doesn't matter, I just have to walk! In the summer I'm looking at lengthening it to a mandatory 30 minutes!
one of my new years resolutions is to stop dieting and just live a healthier lifestyle. :)
My husband and I are having a contest to see who can lose the most weight by June 19, when we go to Myrtle Beach on vacation!
One of my resolutions is to try and slow down and relax more.
I Follow.
I'm signed up for your rss feeds.
I subscribe to your email feeds.
I Follow you on network blogs.
one of mine is to eat healthier. Make more complete healthy meals
melanieinaz2003 at yahoo
I made one New Year's Resolution: Never to make New Year's Resolutions again. I would rather resolve to do something when I am really ready to follow through on the resolution; not make a resolution just because it is a certain time of year and then beat myself up for not doing what I resolved to do. But hey, that's just me.
(bbentry [at] aol [dot] com)
One of my resolutions is to start exercising and watching what I eat again to start losing the weight that I have put on.
what a awesome Handmade Gifts
,really it increases the four suits the women face......
I'm going to try and exercise more and eat more healthy foods in the new year!
ehhogan at bellsouth.net
My new year resolutions are to lose weight and to earn more.
annabell_lee_dk (at) yahoo.com
1) I blogged: http://sweepstakelover.blogcu.com/another-our-handmade-gifts-giveaway-ends-jan-22/6776969
annabell_lee_dk (at) yahoo.com
2) I blogged: http://sweepstakelover.blogcu.com/another-our-handmade-gifts-giveaway-ends-jan-22/6776969
annabell_lee_dk (at) yahoo.com
3) I blogged: http://sweepstakelover.blogcu.com/another-our-handmade-gifts-giveaway-ends-jan-22/6776969
annabell_lee_dk (at) yahoo.com
4) I blogged: http://sweepstakelover.blogcu.com/another-our-handmade-gifts-giveaway-ends-jan-22/6776969
annabell_lee_dk (at) yahoo.com
I'm an e-mail subscriber.
annabell_lee_dk (at) yahoo.com
I follow you and tweeted: http://twitter.com/sweepstakelover/status/7640228153
annabell_lee_dk (at) yahoo.com
I will eat less
Mine is to spend more time with my daughter. Thanks for the chance.
to get my finances under control!
I'm going to try to drink more water and less soda, thanks!
My resolution is to start cooking healthier meals for my family.
eswright18 at gmail.com
I am going to pay off as much debt as possible.
Start an exercise program.
Thanks for the great contest!
my resolution is to not cry all the time
i would love to lose 20 lbs by summer
following your blog as klp1965
following on networked blogs kathylpease
To put myself first, something that I never do.
Stop smoking!!!!
My New Years Resolution is to lose
weight and exercise
Following your blog (Charlene)
Subscribed to RSS feed
Subscribed via email
Following and Tweet:Swtlilchick
Following you on networked blogs
(Charlene Kuser)
To try to relax and take it easy.
One of my new years resolutions is to continue to exercise on a daily basis!
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