Today is my daughter Brealyne's 6 th Birthday. It crazy to think 6 years ago she was born a month early, nurses telling me to cross my legs and not to push and my doctor was on vacation and the on call doctor was no where close to being there. She was born with the nurse with one glove on grabbing her. She was 5 lb 2 ozs and a pound of that was water retention and she was 17 inches long. Her lungs didnt have enough surfactant in them for her to breathe on her own so she was immediatwly put on a CPAP which she stayed on for about 1 week then on oxygen tube for another couple days and so on. She has to be feed with a feeding tube for the first week and then gradually went to bottle feeding about 1/2 a oz to 1 oz every 2 hours. She came home about a week and half after at 4 lbs 15 ozs. She has Jaundice bad but my little red headed little tiny precious girl was a fighter. Plus she has a awesome angel watching over her , My nephew James who passed away a couple days after she was born. She never got to meet him but she knows him like she knew him forever so I know he is her guardian. The one thing I remember after she was born though is the nurses told me not to buy alot of premie clothes just a couple because she was small right then but she would quickly grow out of them. Haha boy were they wrong she was in premie clothes until she was 6 monthes old at a year she was in 3 to 6 months even now at 6 she is still only in a 4 to 5 T but waist around a 3 haha.
Fast forwarding to now at 6 she is a tiny petite little fiesty red head that is moody but very smart. She just started Kindergarten. She loves to dance and dress up. She has the bluest eyes you will ever see. She is absolutely gorgeous and yes I am Bias but who cares lol. She is my little girl who came into this world fighting and she has alot to accomplish and I know she will!
So Happy Birthday to My Brealyne! We love you!!
Wow-she's a fighter! I love her name! Happy Birthday to Brealyne!
Happy Birthday to Brealyne:)
I know what you mean when you say they grow so fast....I can't believe my oldest is 18 now....Time sure does fly by.....
Hope she has a great day!!!!!!
Happy Blogging
The day is almost over where I live and I'm just getting to my email.
I do want to wish Brealyne a very Happy 6th Birthday.
I'm so glad you were a little toughie when you were a baby and fought hard against being born tiny and with some problems.
I know you'll be able to accomplish all the things you put your heart and mind to do, because you already have done some amazing things just being born.
God Bless you always.
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